A little sick...

Before you freak out, I do NOT have swine flu. There´s a medical emergency here, with a lot of people dying every week. I´m taking all the needed precautions with my customers and myself, and luckily my life rarely involves being in crowded places.

I do have a regular flu, this makes it harder to do simple tasks, like tiling rooms. After a tough week I´m feeling better now, so things will move much faster.

So, about the misterious lower part of area 4... I already did the basic rooms, there´s a lot of tiling left, and it still doesn´t have any scripted parts.
What I can tell you about it without spoiling too much: It´s not too small, there´s an item to be collected, there might be a miniboss waiting for you, it´s completely optional (so, no Metroids down there).

I read many of the ideas you people posted on the last blog post, there were some really cool ones, but I had to come up with something within the reach of my skills and my free time (I don´t want to spend too much time on a single area).
Thank you for your suggestions!

In other news, this year´s Nintendo Community Fangame Convention has been confirmed for October 26th. There´s going to be some awesome Metroid Fangames this year (incuding AM2R), so be sure to bookmark the NCFC page.

So, I was thinking, there´s still a lot of work left for the project to be finished. In the meantime, would you like to play an updated version of the demo, to be released on the NCFC? I might include the latest engine features for you to try out, and some level updates... but of course that would distract me from the main project.

I still haven´t decided about it, what do you think? Would you prefer to play a new demo and wait some more for the final thing, or simply wait until I finish the game a bit faster?


Andrew L said…
Get well soon. I'm giddy for any progress, looking forward to the next demo and the finished product. Thanks for your effort. Love the music in the last demo!
ZarroTsu said…
Demo demo demo!

Time goes by, no matter the attention spent. If we've steered our attention to something else in our wait, we can continue to do so as long as we must. After an awesomegasm, of course.
Dudeman said…
as much as I'd hate to slow progress... i think that due to the NCFC you deserve to show off a bit :P.

That and u do not want to be the only developer without an updated demo

I cant wait to see what you come up with (icebeam would be a cool thing to show off :D)
big-cup said…
good ur feeling better. do what ever u want with the game i cant wait to see what u do next:)
Firespawn7 said…
I dont feel we really need a demo. We have already seen what the game is going to look and play like from the last demo and the videos as well. I would rather have another video to show the progress the game has taken from the last one. A new demo is not a final product. If the next step in this games progress is the final product, a demo would be a waste of time.

Now if you did do a demo (I'm still against it), I recommend letting us try our skills on some actual alphas and betas. That would be the best thing to show.

All in all, I feel a video will make us more and more excited than an updated demo. Show us something we haven't seen yet, not let us try what you've done. We can wait for the final product for that. Good luck and I hope everything goes well over there.
Karrde said…
Heh, I love how ppl go nuts over H1N1 Novel Influenza (Swine Flu). The current strain out there is actually weaker than the regular flu, but made for easy media targets. My family ended up getting it since my mom and myself both work in healthcare :P Glad you're feeling better though. An updated techdemo might not be a bad idea for NCFC. That being said, I'd just toss in the new engine work and not really put in new content.
Ratiqu said…
Definitely demo. Getting some publicity at the NCFC will make it all that much better, considering the crowd you'll reach. And the better the product that they see, the more crowds you'll attract. Go for the demo; we can wait a bit longer.
Anonymous said…
although the demo would take away time that could be spent on the main project, the demo in turn would distract us from the waiting. personally adding a bigger area with more items to check out would be cool. also to test drive a couple of alpha metroids ourselves if it wouldn't spoil anything
Anonymous said…
I agree that a demo might not be a bad idea. Not too much bigger than the last, focused more towards showing improvements in the engine, and a few new things to kill. One or two more items. I'm patient!
Unknown said…
nno demo needed yet. maybe in a couple of more months. But that is my personal feelings but Dudeman may be right. It is your game game if you feel like really showing it off; you deserve to do just that. Could you show us a little video of how the work is done. Show us how the tiling works and other things that may be of interest. I'm just curious as to what it is you going through. ty.
Namagem said…
I'm in the Demo party. I hate to slow down progress, but amything to draw more attention to the amazing project during NCFC would be both benefitial and awesome.
Marte said…
My suggestion is always release a demo to have some feedback from users, ALWAYS.
Write down new features and use new users to have some good test on gameplay and overall balancing :d
Paolo Bonacina said…
Uh... I'd like to tell you to rest but I'm the first person who would draw comics even on the verge of death. Shame on me XD

We definitely don't need another demo because the first demo already showed of what the engine can do so take your time and don't release it until you're completely satisfied. You don't have a deadline and you must take advantage of this.
Jaap said…
I'd like to see a demo with some of the new stuff included. You could just update your original demo with rooms new for ice beam, screw attack and space jump.

Anyway, I'm all for a demo but if you're not up to it that's no problem either
Jari said…
I hope you get better soon too. About the demo, I think you shouldnt spend your precious time now on a updated demo...maybe later when you have the first area ready or so..I wouldnt want to play the same demo map again with just few new features.
Haha001 said…
I think you should make a demo, after a long time waiting we really dont care about if it's going to take a month later.

But we do really care if there is a new demo!
Dan Blanco said…
In all honesty, I say give yourself more time for the final product. Release a demo to calm people down, and use that extended period of bliss to work without being pestered.

Personally, I'm looking forward to get a taste of those delicious new jumping physics that were displayed in the teaser video a little ways back.
The Ant said…
If the demo isnt "new" dont do it, just finish the project, iv allready got like all your demos allready, so im kinda set
Anonymous said…
lol do not put in a screw attack for a demo. Save the good stuff for the main game.
ShyGod said…
I'm split here. While seeing a new demo would be great, as others have said it may slow progress. but again, that distraction would let you work with minimal annoyances from us fans. :-p and it would bring you increased attention from the convention. IF you were to do a demo, I would like to see it be a focus more on the new engine bits rather than new areas and items. at the very most update the previous demo with a few new rooms and an item and maybe a boss, but don't pour too much time into that could be better utilized to pushing the main project forward. If that seems like it might be too time consuming I'm sure many would be satisfied with a video of something we have yet to see. Of course, cant spoil too much, either. oh the conundrum.

Get well soon.
Anonymous said…
Hello its me.

My opinion goes towards continuing the game. I know you've still got many tunnels and a whole queens layer to complete, not to mention many other things besides maps. I'm still dying to see how the omega's will look like, i'm wondering how much different you'll make them from fusion.

What i believe would be better, is if you just tweak up the original demo with more beams, map system, start menu, and updated game engine. surely that wouldnt take a while off your project time.

This is "An_Artist" I will now use my google account. pleasure to be at your service DOC.
Prinny said…
Glad ur feeling better man.
As for the to have or not to have demo, flip a coin or something. I mean a demo would be really nice to have because all of us who have been following this project for a long time really wanna see and play it. On the other hand, the suspense continues to grow each day, so it may be better to let us sit and wait and when it comes out we can splurge and go crazy. Either way is fine with me and im sure many others feel the same way.
Skyklad said…
I really like what you are doing, really like the metroid series, and i admire what you are doing. I want to give you a tip, take it or leave i'm just gonna say it :). Don't make the game too linear, make optional stuff and add like some secret boss at the ending by accomplishing something, also, i like that you added the optional boss, if u have time, please add 2 more, that would be nice :). I know this sounds too optional, but adding extra stuff may add replayability add it would be worth trying to get that 100% XD. Good luck, awesome project!
Anonymous said…
i hope that u will get better soon... and it would prolly be better if u just finished the main game.
Anonymous said…
Would rather see it finished slightly sooner than another demo but I'll be excited no matter what you chose to do.
I remember when I was 9 playing the Metorid 2 on my old Gameboy, I can't wait to play your version. The demo works great with my gamepad btw!
Anonymous said…


By the way, I used your ripped Super Metroid starship sprite, I gave you credit for it.
Bugsey said…
You should make a demo not only for us, but also for the NCFC. I'm working on a Metroid fangame that has auto-grip and auto-morph features, and I really want to see how you executed them.
Unknown said…
I'm looking forward to the finished game. I first stubled upon this randomly searching the web and fell in love. As much as I would love to see a new demo, I'd much rather have the actual game. And one more thing... Get well soon!
SladeEXE said…
I feel your pain. I have a little bit of the flu but I'm getting better and I hope you get better too.

I think updating the demo would be nice.

I've been playing the demo alot reciently and I have a few ideas on some updates.

1- the boss battles.
It would be nice to get a reward at the end of a boss battle. Like an expansion or an energy tank.

2- maybe include an outside area to start at. Like the surface of SR-388.

3- the ending of the demo. Instead of getting to your ship, you could go deeper into the planet but considering this is a simulation, the idea might not work.
xCYBERKIDx said…
Get well soon doc, i was just wondering, i know i'll get flamed for saying this but is it possible to port your game to mac?
SpiderTECH said…
I say no Demo. Why do we need a demo. You are doing an awesome job at keeping us informed of your progress. Giving us Screenshots and Vids is better than another demo. If you were not updating us on your progress and you were going months or even a year with out saying anything then we might want a demo to prove something is being done such as another Metroid SR388 game that will remain nameless :P My final words are you are doing an awesome job. Keep up the good work. Id rather have the final game. No Demo Update!
Ramellan said…
I like both ideas, honestly, I have waited and watched for a year now. I can wait longer. I hope you feel better, Having the flu sucks.
Saffiron said…
im my opinion you should have to continue your work, to finish the game, because a demo is not entirely necesary, and the game completed trully IS necesary xD because I want it xD so please continue your work and dont worry about the demo
netsendjoe said…
yeah id like to see another demo. but at the same time, this would slow you down on getting a more completed project. so i would avoid doing the demo and concentrate on finishing and/or beta testing for an official release. keeping in mind you might end up needing to service your release at least once after public launch.
Unknown said…
A demo would of course expose any glitches.

Get well soon and good luck with your project.
Card388 said…
I think a demo would be nice that can attract more people and give us more hope on the game. XD
marlon said…
I've been following this project for over a year now and have been impressed with the amount of work you've put into it...with updates no less. Either way, you can't rush a good product anyway and this isn't light work so its going to take long regardless. So yea a demo would be cool and like most people have mentioned it will give you a chance to show off at NCFC.
JasonsJewelry said…
A demo might be cool, but I will gladly wait for the real thing if it means getting it faster. Keep up the good work. :)
Anonymous said…
MUCH rather finish the game over another demo. Demo is a tease, the full game is what we want
Anonymous said…
I'm with the o demo party too!
End of All Hope said…
In my opinion, you should continue the development of the game. I've been following you for a while, played both of the demos, and have been pleased at your constant progress/blog updates. In my opinion, another demo being released would just increase my desire to play the game and remind me yet again of how long I would have to wait to play the finished product.
Android-Music said…
Hey Doc! :)
My opinion: make a demo so people can tell you if there are some glitches so the main game could be released without any bugs. Awesome job on area 4 btw, be healthy! :D
End of All Hope said…

I'm sure that DoctorM64 has been testing the main game consistently now for such things. If you had played the first two demos released there were no graphical glitches to be seen and I'm more than positive that any critical game killing bug that the Doc/Hyrule Swordsman spotted has been wiped out.

There's no need for another demo at this time considering that Metroid Confrontation was released not too many months ago anyways. Progress on the main game is steady, it looks good, and the guys working on it seem to be highly reliable thanks to the constant updates...I think the next demo idea should be put on the back burner (or better yet just stay an idea) because the last thing any one that wants to play a good 2D Metroid game needs is something halting the progress...it's not like a train that can just suddenly change tracks at will.
Anonymous said…
One thing it seems no one has thought of, the video showing the differences between the original and your version would probably be a good demo of what will be different, just a thought
Anonymous said…
first off i hope your feeling better doc.....

The ncfc is a place were ppl submit their fan games to attract interest and/or show off. What you need to decide is "if" you want to show your game again at the ncfc and how you want to go about it.

This game is a manifestation of your hard work and time. How you want to represent it should up to you. In my opinion I think what would give you the most benefit is if you made something new. Whether it be a video, a demo or a few simple screen shots.

Personally... I'd like to see an update to your demo from October of last year.
Whatever you decide Dr.M you have my support and i look forward to playing the finished game.
Anonymous said…
I don't really want a new demo, just focus on the project.

and dont die of the flu out there! (just kidding :) )
MetroidMan347 said…
New demo! New Demo!!!!!! Please tell me you're adding a save feature.
Anonymous said…
My opinion is that you should keep focus on the main game.
I don't know if it's like that for you, but when you stop a creative process in function of a minor thing, it's usually hard to pick up on the same pace of sprouting ideas and everything. Well...
Wish you good health.
LoLip0op said…
Really I'd love to to see a new Demo coming out soon so we could try it out, and I'm also very really excited of how the final version will be. :D

I was also thinking about something when I watched the latest trailer for AM2R. The first time you encounter the Metroid, couldn't you make that a bit more scary or exciting? As it's the first time and all, where you're supposed to get abit freaked out or suprised atleast. :)

And at the same time it will also look and feel more like the old Gameboy version where time froze and you watched the metroid hatch. :)

Hope you get better and cheers from Sweden. :D
Android-Music said…
End of All Hopes:
Believe me we need a new demo - the last one was a bit more laggy than the first. I'm a dev myself(not saying "cool dev") and I don't say wrong things if we're talking 'bout games. Cheers! ;)
Anonymous said…
I'd say, just release a demo to the 2nd area or something, then just have a bunch of stuff blocking the 3rd area, and a sign that says "coming soon!"

ahh... but a opinion is a opinion, the faster the better, or atleast release a simulation where we can fight a alpha,gamma,zeta,omega and hatchling metroid...
metroid-x said…
Anonymous said…
i concur with the save feature idea, allowing a save feature to the demo (even though it's unnecessary to have)will allow feedback from multiple people on what they think of it.
Anonymous said…
Hey Doc!

Te deseo que te recuperes lo antes posible para que puedas continuar en tus ratos libres con este magnifico juego.

Un pequeño apunte sobre la demo si piensas hacerla ten en cuenta la Nintendo Community Fangame Convention si crees que puedes sacar algo positivo, además así nosotros los que estamos pendiente de tí podemos ver los defectos o cosas que se podrían arreglar en el juego y comunicartelas para hacerlo aún mejor. Pero como ya he dicho si tienes pensado hacer una nueva demo, todos la recibiremos muy bien, pero dependemos de tu esfuerzo para que nos llegue a nosotros. Leyendo como te encontrabas en esta ultima noticia de tu blog, me ha entrado un poco de miedo lo de hacer una demo nueva, pero si te encuentras bien y con fuerzas adelante se que será mejor que la anterior y la jugaré. ^^

Salu2s y recuperate pronto. ^^
Anonymous said…
to the 2ed area? that is way too far in... lol tho i don't blame you for trying.

if anything... the doc would prob let us as far as the first area if he did not feel like cooking up a new demo from scratch.
Anonymous said…
I personally want the demo if you just upgrade the engine and leave the rest same except maybe make like a couple new rooms and put like ScrewAttack in one of 'em and at the end(Like in the place of the ship) you find SpaceJump. Then you SpaceJump your way out of the big creater and you find you big ship up top and then get in it. That would be very cool.
Anonymous said…
I think saving is an awesome Idea like put one half way through the Demo.
MichaelGabrielR said…
Thank God that you're feeling better :D.

As for the NCFC, if possible, try creating a video where you personally comment your game. Otherwise make a nice portfolio.

Try to dissolve most common worries of your target audiance.
-Will it be as good as (or better than) the original?
-Would it be possible to incorporate different styles of play into it (speedrunning, sequence skip, pacifist run, no % run)?
-How loyal is the game to the main franchise and will the player be familliar to your game (storyline consistency, no contradictions)?
-Why the player should even play your game?
-What new features your game will have (abilities, multiple engings, achievements, gameplay elements)?
-Will it be edifying or benefitial to the player in any way?

By addressing the fans' worries you will make your game more appealing to them. If it is indeed the best metroid game out there then them so. If it's not then make some improvements or present your game's strong points.

Show them that you're a professional and they will take your game seriously (it will not be disscarded as just another fan game). But try not to boast about it or you may be taken for just another jerk. Take care!

May the God of Israel, Jesus Christ the Messiah, bless you and show He's mercy, through He's salvation, unto you!
Anonymous said…
step 1: get better.

step 2: finish the game.


it's that simple.
netsendjoe said…
hope you are feeling better.
the more ive thought about this, i dont think we need another demo. another preview video would be good enough should you feel like doing another one. that might be better for the NCFC than an updated demo. clearly there is more going on in the full game itself that what we can see in the demo.
eager to see/play the full version, but patient enough to wait for the well developed, thought out, and planning that you've put into this.
oh and as someone else mentioned.. i hope it is possible to still have save points.
Anonymous said…
y not make both ppl happy just make a first area available. that way they have a demo... and it will not take u too far from the game

or just the first metroid
Spike said…
Do a Demo, but from the final game.
Like the first aera with the first three metroid fights. if the lava goes down, you jump down there and there is a to be continued shown and the demo ends...
Anonymous said…
First and foremost is your health so make sure you get plenty of rest and drink lots of fluids ;)

As far as the other question, it is a tough one to answer. While half of me yearns for something to play the other half of me wants you to stay focuses and working on the final game. So I am not sure but I guess if I had to pick one, I would say make an updated demo.

Reason is because it will allow you to get more feedback from more people and show some new people your work. Also just *in case* it doesn't get finished, at least we will have something to have fun with.

Either way thank you very very much for all your work and effort. Much appreciated!!
Anonymous said…
I agree with what the others have said. If you do a demo, please use the first section of the final game so we can actually get a feel for how the GB version and your version compare. Let us play around on SR388 for a bit, please!

If you won't do that, get the project back on its feet and keep going so it can be done as reasonably soon as possible.
Anonymous said…
If you don't want to waste that much time you could simply update the demo. Apply everything that you have done to the same demo or something. Maybe improve the graphics and sounds. Also, I noticed that I couldn't control the jumpball, it just jumps the max. Anyways, I'm looking forward to the game.
Anonymous said…
if you KNOW you can get it done october 26th ish, go for it!
If you cant get it done,try a tiny demo release...

Or for the hell of it, a area 4 beta relese, just submit a beta, you can get people willing enough to spend hours, just looking for glitches and other misc things...

Finish it, demo, or beta...

Rooting for ya!
Trace said…
I think you should just finish the game faster, we've already had a little taste of the game, however, a trailer would be nice.
Anonymous said…
hmm a trek though the first area would be cool as a demo...
that would be awesome
Anonymous said…
I don't need to see a demo. Obviously it'd be great if somehow it didn't delay the main game, but that's just not possible.

Instead of getting a little taste that reminds me how hungry I am, I'd much rather just wait and be satisfied by the full mean.
Anonymous said…
er, "mean" should be "meal."
Unknown said…
If you decided to make a demo I would suggest not taking the levels from the official areas.

Good luck.
Drago2012 said…
Thank god you dont have the porcine flu.
And I'd love if you can make a new demo with the new stuff.
FinalstarmanDX said…
Hi there everyone, I just wanted to say what a great idea it is to remake Metroid II with so much effort, its freat you doing this, Gunpei Yokoi would be proud that people cared so much about a Metroid game. Thank you
Dr. Amatón said…
Oh man
i think...
if you put a demo for the convention
more people will like it and you will have much feedback.
maybe is ok but if you finish the final product After the convention the same feed back will like it
i am not saying you need more feedback but, it wiil be awasome for more people who doesn't know your project play a better demo and wait a bit more for the final game.
well thats what i think a good luck with your sickness.

Sorri for mai bad inglish aim meccican.
Anonymous said…
End the main game first. Thanks for all your efforts.
Anonymous said…
SamusRisng said…
Hi, I love the work you're doing and I'm really sorry to hear that you're sick. This is the first time I've left a comment, but I've been keeping up on the site for about the past year. I thought the exact same thing about the Chozo Temple so I was pretty surprised when you came up with the same conclusion. I would like the game to be done faster and could deal with not having a demo personally. But don't let me stop you from making a demo. I hope your remake is amazing. It looks great so far. Get well soon and hope you do great at work.
Anonymous said…
Well, get well soon also, many people especially fans, are expecting to play your masterpiece!
Unknown said…
Ta is a big job on the reissue of metroid 2, do you take the head, I am a big fane of the game and the Metroid series, you can qu'es could maitre set in area?
I felt a small bump Special Advent and invisible to fight the master object Scopex radius "(which can see through the walls as in Super Metroid on Super-sized) and a set with item you can see the invisible bump and killed.
If his work takes tros achieved, program a little every single boss.

Thank you for your wonderful work set for completion.

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