Working on the new trailer

Last week I visited a friend of mine, who showed me some footage he created with After Effects. That woke up my curiosity, and I started some research about its capabilities. The feature that made me drool was support for 60 FPS video. I thought of making a high quality version of the trailer before, but that framerate wasn´t supported by the programs I use regularly.
I tried it out, and the result is impressive.

So, the bad news is: there will be no trailer this week. The good news: I´m re-recording all the previous footage in 60 FPS, and I´ll make a high quality version available for download (in addition to the butchered YouTube version). The video size will be 320x240, making it any bigger would distort the pixels.

The original plan for the trailer was to show some updated areas, and some new ones.
I revamped the tiles of some places, with the method I told you last time, and added some new backgrounds. There were places and features that were functional, and now they are also good looking.

This week will be quite slow, since I have some social obligations regarding my birthday. I´m usually not that productive during hangovers. But I´ll do my best to finish the trailer for next week. After all, every new and reworked rooms done for the trailer are also progress for the game.

Have a good week.


Blake said…
awesome, can't wait for the trailer!! will there be gammas?
Dark Master said…

Fantastic! JOY TO KNOW THAT WE MAY SEE A NEW TRAILER! thanks! obviously be a great video in which we let in more eager to have the game soon! This project is ever better! I hope the next update!

Fantastico! QUE ALEGRIA SABER QUE PODREMOS VER UN NUEVO TRAILER! gracias! obviamente sera un gran video en el que nos dejaras con mas ganas de tener el juego pronto! Este proyecto va cada ves mejor! espero para la proxima actualizacion!
Oy said…
Happy Birthday dude!
Anonymous said…
Haha, I like how you worded that sentence about your birthday. "Social obligations?" Just go ahead and enjoy yourself :P
Sa-Ikkillua said…
Awesome, can't wait for the trailer!! will there be gammas?[2]

TruthLove said…
You know this is one of the best projects its still alive and you can do it, dont overdo it, sometimes Live is hard we know that but dont give up, everithing has it´s Time :)
Anonymous said…
lol i wonder what kind of video you would make with a hang over
notzaar said…
Trailers are just meant to build up hype aren't they? Wouldn't it be better to finish the project first? Why do you need hype anyways, it's not like you're going to be selling this.
Karrde said…
Yeah, After Effects is a pretty neat program (random trivia: it's what they used to make the falling green letters in "The Matrix" films). My friend has used it for years and been very happy with the results.
Saffiron said…
ey doc, happy birthay ;-), and I cant wait to the new trailer :-)___

You've done very well until now, you will rock the game xD Nice job ^_^

and again, happy birthday xD
The Ant said…
Yo, Happy Birthday! woo, nice to see how its comming,
lol, at hangover
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday, my man! I'd buy you a drink just for all the work you've already put into this...
Axion said…
Happy (early or late) B Day! Can't wait for the new content.
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday!!!!
Dan Blanco said…
Enjoy your birthday!

"I'm usually not that productive during hangovers." - Classic. XD
Jairo xD said…
hey that sounds good yay!!!Happybirthday by the way...your game will be the best metroid game ever made Yay!!Good luck cant wait till the next demo!!! Bye
Anonymous said…
Happy B Day! I can't wait for the new trailer :D
Birthdays are always a good reason to take things a little slower! Have a great one.
Looking forward to seeing your new trailer.
Anonymous said…
Albert Schiffer

KE buena onda, ya habra nuevo video de los avances excelentes de este Super Remake, ademas ke Dr.M64 kumple con su trabajo a pesar de ke poko a poko va avanzando ,y esta habiendo un gran progreso del juego, con esto de ke se mostraran mas detalles, no como el otro remake Metroid 2 de un tal VonRichter ke segun murio y le dio el lugar a otro eso es puras mentiras como el mismo caso ke el ke estaba trabajando en el proyecto del remake de Zelda ocarina of time, ellos se rindieron y simplememnte se escondieron en las mentiras, mientras como ven a Dr. M64 el si se muestra y actualiza su foro, se ve ke kiere avanzar y progresar poko a poko. Esas son las ganas ke si dan a todos de cooperar, asi ke hay ke apoyarlo ya ke se ke asi como nosotros keremos jugar este super remake, tambine el kiere disfrutarlo !!!
jeje a poko no!?!?

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