Too much work...

These last couple of weeks were strange. Most of my customers simply disappeared, bands were separated, musicians became sick, and in no time I had an almost empty week at the studio, and many expensive bills to pay.

This happens frequently, economic crisis is part of our life here, but this time it´s taking my free time to gather new customers. Last week I couldn´t even find time to open Game Maker to, at least, lay some tiles anywhere.

The project had these kind of delays before, but this is the first big one you people witness.
I had no news on HyruleSwordsMan lately, he surely is busy too.

Anyway. I´ll try to solve my work troubles as soon as possible, and make a teaser video with some Gamma Metroid footage.
Thank you very much for following the project, for your great comments, and for your patience.


rs_pwner said…
Hey, we all go through tough times in life. We understand, and anyone else who has tried to make a game before surely knows how hard it is to find enough time for it. No matter how long it takes, I'm supporting this project as much as possible.
SoulX said…
hey man I understand. The work you have been doing is great so far, and Im willing to wait if it means i canplay this great game.
Dark Master said…
it hurts to see you go through this situation. with all due respect, I continue to support it. if necessary wait until you know about the video. do not worry. you understand what's happening.
Dusan Vlahovic said…
Take your time dude, what you're doign is great!
kenji imatake said…
I know how that feels... keep on trying eh? I defiantly support this project! and I thank you again for the tips!
Anonymous said…
Doc, don't trip dude. Take your time, we already set our minds on waiting for your final product and I hope I can speak on behalf of all the patient ones out there, we're patiently waiting. It's not like our lives depend on this remake but please do not burn yourself out stressing over this. I hope things get better for you, dude. Take care
Anonymous said…
Like everyone else said take it easy we can wait, and im sorry to hear you are going through a rough time
Karrde said…
Don't worry about RL conflicts. That takes priority. Not like your fans are gonna up and disappear :P I'm co-lead tester for a Half-Life mod that's been in development for over 10 years now :P Aside from a few open betas, we haven't put anything out in like 4 years. (hopefully we'll finish in 2009 :P ) So yeah, RL first, then fan project :P
Jake said…
Jake in Indy, USA here. I know how tough it is to find time to do side-projects--especially ones that don't pay money! What I can tell you is I've seen your work and think you're doing an amazing job. Take your time.
Bugsey said…
That's kinda ironic. I'm working on a freeware game and I'm having a hard time figuring out what I should do for the bosses and dungeon designs at the same time you're in a slump. But it's okay, everyone has thier ups and downs in life and eventually after all your work big things are going to happen with your life. Especally if Nintendo actually notices the project and interviews you or something. Not that the same thing is going to happen to me...
Stryguy said…
"It's a recession n*****"
- Young Jeezy

Don't worry i'm sure we're all very patient and busy one way or another.
take your time
we'll all be here when you get back
Anonymous said…
Life is life, you do what you can to survive. It isn't easy for any of us right now. Prioritizing is understandable.

On the other hand, just don't leave us behind either. What you're working on is truly special. I'd hate to see it be lost to time.
Anonymous said…
dude, no problem here at all. you got nothing to worry about. we can wait as long as it takes (at least i will). metroid II was my very first gameboy game, and this remake wil truly have replay value. i wish for you good fortune in these tough times. peace :)
DarkPhazon said…
taking time on the project can make AM2R BETTER or more awesome
Dan Blanco said…
Yeah, this is an example case of where securing your own livelihood is more important. Do what you gotta do, Doc.
Ramellan said…
I can say no more than take your time, true fans like us aren't likely to go anywhere anytime soon.
MetroidMaker said…
It's cool. Most of us are involved in something, to pass the time. We can wait.
Anonymous said…
Isaac Conrad said…

I'm writing a book (a long one, four volumes or maybe more), so I know what is it to work on a big thing.

I'll be patient ! Hope the best for you and AM2R !
Unknown said…
we're with you all the way man. i love this project and i always appreciate your frequent news updates.

hang in there buddy, its always darkest before the dawn.
Anonymous said…
Albert D. said:

Take all the time you need maybe give you nerves to work weell, it's what i think but noo, you just do what you have to do in your private life, like other bussiness and there it will be some free time to work on an advance for the Project, so be patient you to, i know DoctorM64 that you to want to finish this ever-game-waited but you will make it in time, forget the stress(haha i don't know very well english jeje) and keep moving cause you gonna make it!!
Anonymous said…
I would donate but my mom won't let me. Anyway DocterM64 take your time, and I understand what you are going through.
Anonymous said…
hey doc just a question
will we be able to you the charge beam agaisnt alpha to even the omega metroid.i was just looking at the trailer for am2r and when it showed the alpha battle you fired non charge shots at it and i was wondering if you were trying to charge it but didnt have enough time
Dusk said…
I doubt this will ever be finished (like all other fan projects) but admire your attempts to work on it. Keep your chin up!
LOL and well said to the post above ^_^
Medion said…
Finish it promptly when you can for the sake of the true fans but dont stress yourself too much. Take care. Life comes first.
Anonymous said…
Dont push yourself to hard ;)
Tim Walmsley said…
What your doing is fantastic so don't worry about time contraints, you can't be stuck doin this game 24/7 or you wont have a life at all. you'll be alright :)
Anonymous said…
dont worry mate, what your doing is great. You can't be expected to work on this 24/7 so take it easy :)
Anonymous said…
your remake looks badass.

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