Drawing the Zetas

So, Gammas are coming out nicely. Battles are challenging and fair, there´s much more attack variety compared to Alphas. The cool thing is that you´ll see new attacks as you discover more Metroids, so once you encounter a Gamma, you´ll surely experience something new.
The customizable moves took some time to code, but it´s really worth it.

The slow map screen was redone from scratch. Now the map is drawn using tiles, instead of hundreds of objects. Also, the scanlines effect was removed, it made the background too distracting.

And last, but not least, Zeta metroid sprite production has begun. This sprite set will be a lot more challenging. Since this is a bipedal creature, animations will be quite complex.

I´m sorry for the lack of updates these days, I´ve been working too much.
Comments and suggestions are welcome, as always.


Can't wait.

Oh, and for the Zetas, why not make them act like the Omega Metroid in Fusion, except that they jump and float for a couple seconds? Also, can you make them attack with the tail-like thingy? I'd love to see that happen.
Anonymous said…
As it stands, I have no really good suggestions. Just don't let people rush you in any way shape or form; that'll just degrade the quality of the final product.
Anonymous said…
and be nice to see some new things in the game because he knows a lot doctorm64 to create a game as great as this will continue until the end of the project.


use the google translator to translate:)
Anonymous said…
you wouldnt mind sharing what the gammas look like now would you doc?
Anonymous said…
heh a lot of people have been asking what the different metroids will look like (including me) i think if he wanted to show them he would have...

so i guess he wants to keep it a secret until the game is finished
Palamon said…
I liked what Octohunter said, you could make them have more Jumping-based moves with controlled floating decent/dive/swoop attacks instead of them just floating around all the time like the Alphas and Gammas.

Instead the Zetas could move around more like Grasshoppers on crack, firing fireballs down on you from above while occasionally swooping in for some impact damage.

Also, at least a single screen shot of a gamma would be nice
Anonymous said…
hey doc are you going to use fanart for your endings becuase dogitalph33r(when i looked at his comment in the last posts comment list)had some great metroid fanart.
it would be a good idea to consider using fanart.btw www.dogitalph33r.blogspot.com is his account if you want to look at yhe pictures.
Dark Master said…
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Dark Master said…
Excelente trabajo! Que emocion saber que ya esta lista la programacion de los metroid gamma. Tambien es bueno escuchar que se esta desarrollando la programacion de los metroids zeta! Gracias doc por trabajar en este proyecto en los que hay muchos fans que desean jugar tanto nosotros como usted. Siga adelante. Y gracias ademas por informarnos nuevas noticias. Se nota que usted se preocupa de este proyecto a pesar de que este muy ocupado.
Seria bueno que la informacion nueva que posteara la pusiera en español tambien. Desearia que se diera el tiempo de entregarnos algunas imagenes y/o video(s) donde podamos captar sobre los metroids gamma :).
Dark Master said…
Excellent work! What a thrill to know that this list and the scheduling of metroids gammas. It's also good to hear that is developing programming for the metroids zeta!. Thanks doc for working on this project in which there are many fans who want to play both we and you. And thanks also for telling new stories. It is obvious that she cares about this project despite the fact that this very busy.
It would be nice if the new information that would put the post in Spanish, too. I wish to give some time to deliver images and / or video (s) where we can capture on metroids gammas :)
Anonymous said…
I hope you're not the only one working on this project.

If so that really must be tough :(
Anonymous said…
lol your game look INCREDIBLE,if you were to show this to nintendo,they would probibly buy the rights from you and sell it as a ds game for millions.also your sprites and animation are excelent,the game dosent lag and everything is just so PERFECT.i just reealy hope you have help.i would hate to see you under the pressure of over millions of people with only you on the job.
keep going hard,but rest too.

Anonymous said…
Sounds Good :)
Anonymous said…
I can imagine Zeta Metroids to be very agile. I wonder what it would be like if Zeta Metroids had Shinespark capabilities. Heh. I think that would take things a bit too far.

On a side note, I just imagined Jurassic Park, only with Zeta Metroids as Velociraptors and Omega Metroid as T-Rex. XD

On the subject of Metroid screenshots, I do want to see screenshots of the Metroids, but I also want to be surprised when I see them in-game. Then again, all of the Metroid forms (minus Queen Metroid) did show up in the Metroid 2 manual, with both sprites and artwork. So, in short, I can't make up my mind. :P
Anonymous said…
Nice little update bro. Even tho updates come less frequently lately, your still making good progress! Take your time, the end result will be much more worth it!
Anonymous said…
Great to hear we're moving up to Zeta level metroids now. Sounds like the game is coming along well. How're the main areas themselves progressing? I know you mentioned finishing area 3, is it area 4 then the final area next?

Also, any chance we can at least get some gamma screencaps?
Anonymous said…
I'm guessing a majority if not all the areas are ready with the exlusion of some enemies? Man so that means once zeta+queen is done it shouldn't be too much longer till we have a done game (assuming omega is going to be based off fusion)
Anonymous said…
hopefully if they the omegas are similar to the fusion ones that there will be some altercations made to allow them to fit in with the sr-388 habitat and have more natural metroidy colors instead of having a more artificial look like the fusion omega did
GrieverSoft said…
All I ask is that the Zetas don't look like baby Omegas, like in Von Richter's game. Those just look silly. I'd rather hug something like that than blow it up. They should be sleek, with long, gangly limbs. In other words, I think it should resemble a velociraptor. It should be fast, agile, and merciless.
But...that's just me.
Anonymous said…
Please remember that its been a long time since we've seen a screenshot!

screenshots of something finished or not finished are important. Without them, its really hard to give advise on anything since we are only guessing.

if you dont want to show us any screenshots, atleast tell us why please
kenji imatake said…
say, how about a little less gravity when the zetas are falling (not too less though) so the player has a chance to hit it... cuz to me what people are posting it sounds a little bit hard to hit.
Anonymous said…
Lots of jumping, maybe occasional, short-lived hovering. Frequently switch between pouncing/swooping into melee and hanging back to bombard you with fireballs. Some kind of tail sting would also be cool.
Anonymous said…
I've been following this blog since a month from the beginning, I really look forward to playing it. Metroid 2 is the only metroid i've never played.

can't wait to see the gammas!
Anonymous said…
yo! doc, u said that the alphas werent going to have the energy drain, but the later evos would... So, is the zeta going to grab samus and drain her life?

Ps: make the metroid sounds freky! something that will scare the player, prime1 and 2 are good with this
Anonymous said…
...? No comments?
Wouldent the Zetas be easer to hit because they dont fly and there weak spot is bigger? Does this mean theyll be easer?
DarkPhazon said…
hmm eta have to be harder to kill though. maby add some new attacks but that up to doctor. (guess when it stomps probily should make a little earth quake... but idk) or make a little high pitch noise than the omega metroid
DarkPhazon said…
OR MABY SAY zeta should not float just stay on ground (but say make it more scaring or exitment) its more bigger double or triple the size from the origonal. probily break through object that stand in there way or whenever samus get close to zeta it can just scratch her with its claws for bigger damage. you know how they say "omega metroid claws can just stun samus" you can do the same but just less stunning
Anonymous said…
Well, I'd imagine Zetas are deadly simply because they can run extremely fast and leap at their enemies. Omegas are slower and bulkier but cause more damage by comparison. Just strike that balance and you'd be in good shape. Zeta's can't fly, but I bet they can jump about as high as Samus herself can. (and when they do, going into morph ball mode could be a method for dodging)
DarkPhazon said…
hmm speeds of zeta can be very powerful and hard to avoid... thats a good challenge think about it omega metroid is buffed with sheild must be very heavy and to slow but extreme strengh but zeta can be fast less stronger than the omega.the speed of zeta can be very helpful jumping and zeta attack now that can be a cutscene right there ex (a huge enemy is about to attack samus and very powerful to even encounter but the zeta pops out and grabs the enemy or leaps on enemy and attack and kills it (it can be a small enemy or any size) it will kinda be more like in super metroid but idk i can just imgaine that)cannot be to easy to encounter i say should be a little hard in normal mode but that up to doc this is just a idea idk if its good or not
Anonymous said…
Wow. The lack of ability with proper English amazes me. I'll restate what's been said, since I agree with most of it, in an easier to understand form.

Zetas to Omegas could be along the lines of raptors to T-rexes in Jurassic park: Zetas are considerably faster and more agile, but Omegas are considerably stronger and much more difficult to damage/take down.
Anonymous said…
Wow...Neocrypter you need to take an english class or something because you can't type for shit.

Looking forward to more Doc. Any chance we can see some screenshots in the future?

Also a quick question. Will there be any scripted dialogue in this game, like in Metroid: Fusion. I know that you've mentioned cutscenes, but I don't believe this has ever been brought up before.
Anonymous said…
with the exception of the first part i agree with the above post. also man please don't curse on this forum and Neocrypter please try to word out what your trying to say a little better. I got what your trying to say, but it is a little difficult to follow through with.
DarkPhazon said…
im not mostly a english person. just another language -.- and lets not curse now... (im trying to learn more english ...) hope the game is more challenging
DarkPhazon said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
DarkPhazon said…
hmm hope its gonna be the most hardest enemy to beat. looking forward to this
Palamon said…
The Zeta's don't have to "fly" or hover, I just hope they can jump really high and fast into the air and remain in control of their "air" time more than Samus can.

I hope the Zeta remainds smaller then the Gamma. I always liked how the Gamma "shell" was shed to transform into the Zeta, kind of like a butterfly coming out of its cacoon.

In the metroid line, it has two larval stages, the orginial jellyfish larval stage which is shed when it turns into an Alpha and then used to grow larger and gain weight and strength as it grows into a Gamma. Then after it incubates in the hard shell of a Gamma, it sheds again, into a more beastal Zeta and closer to it's final form, only smaller, then just grows larger into the other forms. I liked how they made the species progress in that kind of fashion.
DarkPhazon said…
man doc i like how its runs extremly smooth in the game. dm64 i agree with anonymous about you sending this game to nintendo (well nintendo is really being lazy...)

by the way doc how many metroid are there gonna be?
Anonymous said…
por q no adaptas el como enemigo el traje oscuro q no fue destruido en los anteriores metroid
Kenon Artulii said…
Hey, still working on this? Awesome to see it still in progress. Still using the GM runner or you move to something else?
Anonymous said…
Yo Doctor, the work you have done on this very anticipated game is amazing. However, some screen shots of some of the metroids and areas would be nice ( with minimum spoilers if any of course) to have your fans/ supporters/ advisers/ critics could do to help achieve your goal of making an amazing remake of a very good 2-D third person shooter classic. Also like one of your previous updates, an overall status reports of the game would be nice to see at least one every other month, every month if possible.
Redmond said…
excelente tu trabajo... espero con ansias el resultado... seguí asi
Anonymous said…
yo Doctor, i think that you should have an beam option that you can turn on and off (kinda like the auto morph and auto climb) that allows charged beams to be rapid fire shots instead of a charged shot
GrieverSoft said…
No. Just...no. A charged shot is just the strength of two and a half shots. So, they'd rapid fire two...and...a half? shots? Just ignore that, Doc.
Anonymous said…
I love reading your updates. The game sounds greater and greater every time. Can't wait to play it when you've both finished it.
DarkPhazon said…
uhmm... no rapid fire please. its just... idk doesnt fit in the game charge beam is good
Anonymous said…
actually after thinking about it, i thought the idea didn't fit either. i kinda thought up of it, because of prime 3: corruption, but after thinking about that the rapid fire didn't fit and in the game it was really over powered, because instead of the whole 2 and half shot thing = one charged shot the gun fire about 20 regular shots and for 2-D that would suck the fun out of it if you can just charge your beam up and kill a boss in 2 or more charged rapid fire shots
Anonymous said…
well if the bosses were immune to non charge shots then it doesn't matter as much...
GrieverSoft said…
The giant sidehoppers in Norfair helped me figure that one out.
Anonymous said…
Buen trabajo!, me gusto mucho el Metroid Confrontation, no esperaba que Ripley me pudiera atacar de manera diferente, fue algo genial.

Por lo que agrege Metroid Controntation entre mis archivos de Metroid Zero Mission y Metroid Fusion y me muero por jugar metroid 2, tengo el juego pero no lo termine por que las graficas no se me antojaban, pero con el tuyo lo voy a disfrutar un chingo.

Bueno...unas sugerencias.

Cuida mucho el elemento sorpresa y el ambiente de suspenso, por ejemplo en Metroid Fusion sabes que samus x esta en la nave y cuando menos te lo espera te empieza a atacar, bueno yo creo que lo mismo debes hacer con los enemigos, que tengan un comportamiento extraño de manera individual y comportamiento diferente cuando estan en manada, otro ejemplo es cuando enfrentas por primera vez a los metroids en zero mission, cuida la atmosfera, debe sentirse como estar en una pelicula de Aliens, jajaja.

Apoyate con imagenes para representar animaciones, pero seleccionas imagenes buenas y de calidad.

Puedes agregar como un extra a tu juego un modo survival Boss Battle.

Si puedes agregar una modalidad en línea sería estupendo, no se si este fuera de tus posibilidades.

Estaría muy bueno que crearas un juego desde el punto de vista de los soldados de la federación Galactica(Soldados de traje blanco), donde exploran un planeta en multiplayer o en línea y que sea tipo survival Horror (un poco Halo y Resident Evil), donde cumplas diversas misiones junto con tu equipo, enfrentas criaturas, planetas extrañas, combates piratas espaciales, blablabla.

En fin es tu decición a fin de cuentas y felicidades por el buen trabajo.
GrieverSoft said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Palamon said…
Thanks to Free Translation websites, you don't have to be!

Quick Translation using the site above. (It's not 100% but the inaccuracies just make the post more entertaining)

Good work!, me flavor a lot the Metroid Confrontation, did not expect that Ripley could attack me in a different way, was somewhat genial.

For which it add Metroid Controntation between my files of Metroid Zero Mission and Metroid Fusion and I dwell for playing metroid 2, I have the play but it finish not because the graficas were not fancied me, but with yours I am going to enjoy it a short one.

Good. ..unas suggestions.

It takes care of a lot the element of surprise and the environment of suspense, for example in Metroid Fusion you know that samus x this in the ship and when except you expects it begins you to attack, good I believe that the same thing should do with the enemies, that they have a strange behavior in an individual way and different behavior when they are in herd, another example is when face for the first time to the metroids in Zero mission, takes care of the atmosfera, should be felt as to be in a pelicula of Aliens, jajaja.

You support you with images to represent animations, but select good images and of quality.

You can add as an extra to your play a way survival Boss Battle.

If you can add a modality in line would be stupendous, itself not if this was of your possibilities.

It would be very good that created a play since the point of view of the soldiers of the confederacy Galactica (Soldiers of white suit), where they explore a planet in multiplayer or in line and that be type survival Horror (a little Halo and Resident Evil), where comply diverse missions along with your team, face creatures, strange planets, spatial pirated battles, blablabla.

In short is your decición after all and happinesses by the good work.
Anonymous said…
hey i read the faq and half the people who commented there were saying to give them the source code but what i want 2 know what is a source code?
GrieverSoft said…
The way they used "source code" is a misnomer. What they were asking for was the engine the Doc spent years working on.
GrieverSoft said…
Although, to get into semantics, engine is also a misnomer, seeing as GM itself is the engine. What I meant to say was...code, hahaha. The code that determines how his game works can almost qualify as an engine. Needless to say, people have the audacity to ask the Doc if they can skip the coding process to make their own games. Someone even had the nerve to decompile his engine so they could make their own game and even post a YouTube video. (He 5oc has said many times that he has no intention of releasing his "code" or "engine," underthe idea that if he can code this game, or one like it, then any of us can.
GrieverSoft said…
It's too bad I can't edit my posts and fix the errors...
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Sounds like someone's coming out of the closet. *cough cough* the person above me *cough*, your doing great doc!
Anonymous said…
Have you ever played the freeware game La-Mulana. What I really liked was the html manual, written in booklet form, like the manual you get with a normal game.

Do you think you'll do something similar? It really helps make it even more professional, even if most people already know how to play the game.
Anonymous said…
Are you still alive Doc? Haven't heard from ya in a while. Hope you haven't been assassinated by Nintendo.
Anonymous said…
: O! if you think that's your problem. not my fault that you feel as that sentence ¬¬
Anonymous said…
Naw, Doc's just probibly in the zone, or cought up in life or something...
DarkPhazon said…
its almost april hope the updates are coming in. come on doc try all you can
bpcarter93 said…
Hey doc, can't wait for this to come out. One of my favorite games of all time. I don't know how far into the music section of the game you are, but I think you should look at metroidmetal.com. They only have one metroid 2 track, but it sounds a lot like the original, and I'm sure you could work the other ones into the game. I just thought some updated tracks would be good for an updated game.
Candy Man Criminal said…
i made an Omega you can use, if it fits
it'll be on MFM
hopefully soon
Anonymous said…
this proyect is very slow!!! I'm bored of waiting...
Anonymous said…
If you're on the ZETA metroids, that means you're pretty far into the game. There are only 3 in the original and 4 OMEGAs... and after the Omegas, you just have classic Metroids and the Queen.

Give us at least a shout, please, doc?
Anonymous said…
dude chill, it takes a long time to make a game, especially if your making it by yourself. you should not only respect Doc for his progress, but applaud him for what he has achieved so far. besides if your bored of waiting, then try lending a hand in the progress instead of whining about it not being complete yet.

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