Happy Holidays!

May you all find peace this holiday. And may this new year bring us all prosperity and happiness.

I´ll be taking a small break from work (and AM2R) these last 2 weeks of the year. I´ll have plenty of time to put into the project on January.
I did manage to improve the subscreen these days:

This one is taken from the engine, that screen back there is from the actual game. The text is still part of each section´s bitmap, the values at the top are still fixed, and there´s still no validation for the switched abilities (you can toggle anything without having the item). But it´s functional, and it´s as far as it could get this year.

As always, you´re free to post your oppinions, or just drop by and say hi. I´ll try to make some time to answer your questions. Ah, BTW, I replied to most people on the last post´s comments. If you asked anything back then, check it out.

Well, take care, enjoy the celebrations and have fun.
My best wishes for all of you.



Dark Master said…
Doctor M64 congratulations! His game will be wonderful!
I think a lot and I commend it to continue progressing in this project!
I can not wait to play your game!
Dark Master said…
I have an idea for his work ... You could add the game a "room to download maps of each levels" as well as Metroid Zero mission, to not be as confusing as in Metroid 2 Return of the Samus.
Well it is just an idea. You the designer.
That's it, is a master at creating games and I congratulate him, his game is becoming very well, so follow!
Anonymous said…
Looks pretty good.
That subscreen combines ZM, Fusion, and SM elements perfectly, right down to the shading on the subscreen Samus. This is an awesome subscreen.
Anonymous said…
this game is gonna be better than metroid fusion :D if you keep up the great work.... oh and merry christmas
Afro-Shroom said…
@Dark Master:
A map room would be a good idea, but instead of plugging into a terminal players could instead go into a morphball friendly structure like those found in Zero Mission and get a majority of the known map and some secret one that show only a few secret rooms!

Other then that The SubScreens look better, keep up the excellent work!

Great job on the progress so far and have a Happy X-Mas. (^-^)
Anonymous said…
Just one more question for now. Will there be the same numbers of each kind of metroid as there were in the original game?
Dark Master said…
Sorry Doctor M64 ...
Had not read your comment that brought me responded to my question ... So ignore the second cometary xD.
Anonymous said…
Merry christmas (or any other holiday)
shutz said…
I know this might not be a popular idea with all Metroid fans, but I think that something like the on-board computer we had in Fusion might be a cool way to replace the "remaining metroids" counters from the original game.

Something like, the first time you reach the lava that blocks your path, your on-board computer pops up a message (or you just get a "new message" notification, which you can choose to ignore...) with some text that tells you that a metroid has been detected.

Similar events could happen after every quake, with the AI possibly showing some puzzlement at the way the lava clears at some points in the game (like the part where you cause a quake which causes the lava to box you into a small area you can't get out of until you kill another metroid.)

You've been doing really well alone so far, but if you don't want to worry about writing each of those AI messages, I offer my services. If you want me to "prove myself" first, just assign me a specific bit, and I'll write you something that will (hopefully) blow you away.

Thanks for working on this. I still don't understand why no one at Nintendo is working on an update to Metroid 2, it's such a prime candidate for a remake/expansion, the way Zero Mission was done, that it seems like a no-brainer.
Anonymous said…
Are those variants of the GB Metroid 2 tiles I'm seeing in that screencap?

If so, that's a good thing. My only complaint with the last demo was that there were parts of it that didn't feel much like SR388. Capturing and 'enhancing' the LOOK of SR388 will be the difference between making a remake that's good, and one that's the absolute best.

As always, looking forward to this. Keep the updates coming, I love every one.
Anonymous said…
This Fan-Game is very good.
I'm impressed.
I'm French and I want to translate your game in french at the final version.
At OK contact me at: "metroid_zam@hotmail.fr"
Anonymous said…
Well, it's looking really good, but I'm getting worried about the file size of the actual game. The last demo took me almost two hours do download, and you'll have to think about people with slow internet connections that want the game. But, you must've been working hard all year. You probably need those two weeks to take a break off of!
Anonymous said…
Merry christmas and a happy new year then, you deserve the break and there is always next year to continue the project, but it is already looking pretty darn good
Merry christmas doc. I am writing this comment from my new iPod touch. This has been one of the best christmas ever. I am writing this to tell you that you are doing a great job with this fangame and I wish that you do a great job with the rest of the project. Au revoire
Dark Master said…
hey doc!
I was a follower of my blog, as I am yours
Anonymous said…
Good to see you implemented some of my ideas already. liek dead Fed troops and stuff.
There is nothing more to say. While i do support the Idea of a computer instead of the remaining metroid stuff, i disagree with placing him on the map. maybe as subscreen in samus inventory, if any.

thanx alot
looking forward to this

Anonymous said…
Merry Christmas.

lets see, any ideas from me... oh yes. In the intro movie, make it significant that Samus just came back from her adventures of Metroid Prime 3 Corruption. And then the ending must include some hint about Samus Showing the Metroiod hatchling to the scientists and Ridley showing up.

This is so that people can understand where this game falls in the time line.

Oh and thank you for saying you'll include a brand new area (for gravity suit and power bombs)!!!
Anonymous said…
I'm personally against too much backstory.
Onboard computers would take away the main thing in metroid, that is the factor of loneliness, not knowing exactly what to do or where to go.
No space pirates/metroid prime/phazon bulshit either.
Good old 2d metroid as you seem to be doing now. Keep it simple.
Anonymous said…
I still think a hint of MP3 wouldn't hurt...

But beyond that, keep the game as close to its original feel as you can. Metroid 2 has such awesome potential, and I believe your game will give it what the concept deserves.
Dark Master said…
Doctor follow my blog as I am yours
or at least view it.
This is the link: www.obstruccion-of-gold.blogspot.com
Anonymous said…
Hey Doctor M64

Here's something interesting I found.


So which one is the metroid your going to use?
JasonsJewelry said…
Looks great and Happy Holidays!
Anonymous said…
it's the first time i see your blog! Good job!
Anonymous said…
I have a question. From what I've noticed from game maker, and my own game... how long do you think the waiting will be?

because in my game, I have an engine and three rooms, and it take forever to load.
Dark Master said…
Muchas gracias por tu comentario :D.
Te felicito tambien por tu gran ezfuerzo y progreso en tu poryecto, siga adelante Doc!
disculpe... Usted habla español? o solo ocupo el traductor? xD
Dark Master said…
Doc! Estoy de maña buscando alguna cosa que le pueda servir en su proyecto y he encontrado esto, creo que estas imagenes le van a servir mucho:
Busque la seccion Metroi 2 Return of the samus.
Saldran cada mapa de todos los niveles de Metroid 2 y estan en colores. Espero que le sirvan!
Dark Master said…
Doctor tengo una idea muy buena, nose si a usted ya se le ha pasado por la mente.
En el Metroid 2 retun of rhe samus se encuentra un feje llamado arachnus que le otorga el poder "spring ball".
Bueno si usted lo piensa hacer en su proyecto podria ocupar los sprites del Metroid fusion, ya que arachnus aparece como primer jefe en el juego.
Bueno si lo piensa hacer o si ya lo hizo podria ocupar este sprite que le mando en el link: http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/9304/mfarachnussm7.gif.
Espero que le pueda servir en algo... si necesita algo aviseme y yo tratare de hacer lo que pueda :)
Anonymous said…
Check out this video:


I bet it's a decompiled version of your earlier demos. The graphics, sounds, gameplay, transitions, screen size and other stuff are exactly the same. Since Game Maker exes can be decompiled, somebody wanted to make a metroid game but couldn't program the basics himself. People with youtube accounts should go put some comments.

I was also wondering if there are going to be many cutscenes. Who will draw them and the endings?

Happy Holidays!
Anonymous said…
i just have another idea. why not add on a picture of her morph ball, and adjust the picture a little as you toggle things on or off. for example, if you put on the high jump or space jump boots, an outline of the new boots could appear around the boots she is wearng. as you switch suits, the color tint could change (varia--> gravity, red--> blue) as for the spider ball, maybe add a yellowish glow effect, or add outline versions of the icons; have outlines of a bomb, spider, or horizontal lines (spring ball). this might take a while to make, but i think you could manage it. good luck. ;-)
Anonymous said…
yea your game looks way cool i cant wait to play it myself.you are doing an awsome job i downloaded your tech demo even the tech demo is great ive played it over 10 times.anyway happy x-mas and your game is gonna be a big hit to all poeple i have no ideas for you sadly but i think it is prefect i think it is the best metroid remake ever.
Anonymous said…
in the other metroids you could use the diagonal aim button to shinespark diagonally. i noticed that this doesn't work in the demo. this feature makes it easier to perform if you are using an analog stick to control samus.
timnayar said…
This looks awesome! You are very multi-talented!
Anonymous said…
Hey, I love the game, but I think the chozo statues should be replace with this one or the ones from zero mission.
Dark Master said…
Repetire el mensaje por si usted no lo ha visto:
Doc! Estoy de maña buscando alguna cosa que le pueda servir en su proyecto y he encontrado esto, creo que estas imagenes le van a servir mucho:
Busque la seccion Metroi 2 Return of the samus.
Saldran cada mapa de todos los niveles de Metroid 2 y estan en colores. Espero que le sirvan!
Dark Master said…
le repito este tambien:
Doctor tengo una idea muy buena, nose si a usted ya se le ha pasado por la mente.
En el Metroid 2 retun of rhe samus se encuentra un feje llamado arachnus que le otorga el poder "spring ball".
Bueno si usted lo piensa hacer en su proyecto podria ocupar los sprites del Metroid fusion, ya que arachnus aparece como primer jefe en el juego.
Bueno si lo piensa hacer o si ya lo hizo podria ocupar este sprite que le mando en el link: http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/9304/mfarachnussm7.gif.
Espero que le pueda servir en algo... si necesita algo aviseme y yo tratare de hacer lo que pueda :)
DoctorM64 said…
>Will there be the same numbers of each kind of metroid as there were in the original game?

I have plans to add one or two new battles.

>Are those variants of the GB Metroid 2 tiles I'm seeing in that screencap?

Yes, that´s part of the outside of Area 3. It´s one of the first tilesets I´ve ever drawn.

>Onboard computers would take away the main thing in metroid, that is the factor of loneliness, not knowing exactly what to do or where to go.


>in the other metroids you could use the diagonal aim button to shinespark diagonally

Hmm... I always used the dpad, and didn´t know it could be done that way. I´ll add that feature right away.

>Usted habla español? o solo ocupo el traductor? xD

Hablo español, pero agradeceria que posteen en inglés, así todos entendemos de que estamos hablando (mucha gente no lee español). Ah, señor DarkMaster, le envié un email sobre las preguntas que hizo.

>Check out this video:
I bet it's a decompiled version of your earlier demos.

I contacted the author. That Metroid game ceased development.

>I was also wondering if there are going to be many cutscenes. Who will draw them and the endings?

There will be story cutscenes. I guess even now it´s too early to audition artists.

Thanks for all your comments and ideas!
Have a happy new year, take care!
Dark Master said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said…
I'll reapeat this message.
Here's something interesting I found.


So which metroid style are your going to use? I prefer the new one.
Anonymous said…
Artist Auditions...? Sweet! i've never heard of an artist audition before.
Although i'm very confident with my artistic talent, I doubt i'd end up being the cutscene/content artist because i'm sure the competition will be big. But if for some reason, there is not much competition, i'll gladly do it. I look forward to knowing the audition details.
Dark Master said…
Hey doc.
I ask you, where have app. the game ended.
Is that I have a great desire to play.
I am eager to have it soon.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, pretty nice screen. Hope for a good time. Happy New Year. Maybe you should put some status numbers in red if it's low.
shimizu2005 said…
thank you for adding the shinespark thing. are you going to add any of the super metroid add ons like the grapple beam or the x-ray visor?
Anonymous said…
It has nothing to do with the menu interface but i would like to show you Samus' Metroid II/Super Metroid starship in MZM style:


It's NOT done by me! But i hope you will use it. Because the MII/SM style starship doesn't fit with the MZM style.

By the way: Keep up with the great work and a happy new year.*^^
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year!
And nice work!
Anonymous said…
I agree with SSSword Master regarding the use of the zero mission version of this ship.

When I see you use the super metroid version of the ship, that really gives away the fact that this game is fan made.

I know another metroid project is using that fan made zero mission version of the ship but it doesnt look like its theirs, so I really suggest you use it.

Please consider it. I'm also hoping you make it so you stand on the middle and have to press down to go in, unlike in your demo where you simply fall in.
xCYBERKIDx said…
I agree with the two about the MZM style super metroid/metroid 2 gun ship, and also instead of the super metroid chozo statues you should consider using the MZM ones, the super metroid ones look kinda weird..

awesome subscreen by the way.
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year!

I have playing your Demo game and I think you are doing a very good work there.

I am very ansious to play you AM2R completed, because I started to play Metroid 2: The Return of Samus and i am very lost what to do in there.

So i hope you finish your game soon.

P.S I can´t wait too. ¬¬
Anonymous said…
DoctorM64, your work so far is fantastic. I am eagerly awaiting each piece of news on this much needed remake. The metroids have been confined to a small limitation of their forms for much to long. ;)

Metroid II was done in a very limited palette that in the end only communicated shades of yellow on our Gameboys. Even so, I hope you keep the doom and gloom of the original game. I have always felt that Metroid II was a spiritual successor to the Alien movies in the foreboding techno-organic environment department. In my opinion the minimal sound design and ambient music used are also brilliant in this approach.

After playing Metroid Fusion where SR388 was shown looking very similar to Zebes, I remembered how the above surface atmosphere shown in II was so extremely thin. Again this could be limitations of the GB, but the atmosphere is harmful to Samus above a certain point. You can see it on this map:

(Warning this is a 5gb image, although totally worth the download)

I'm not sure what the designers intended by showing stars on the surface. My guess is that it is night when she lands and night when she leaves. The sparse-alien vegetation and lack of any life-form on the surface also contribute to my suspicion that the surface was meant to be barren, dark, and cold. The box art seems to confirm this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/9/93/Metroid2_boxart.jpg

I know it may be hard to keep the feel of the original game with the color happy Metroid Fusion having left it's mark on the series. I think that little touches like leaving the night sky on the surface could go a long way.
Anonymous said…
Are you ever going to contact Nintendo about the project when it's finished? You might get recognized by them and it'll get ported onto the DS or something. I've been wondering about that ever sience you first started this blog.
Anonymous said…
Hey... i just thought i'd mention this (its important). I searched through the some of the blog and i can't exacly find all the legal information regarding nintendo.

I'm just saying that just recently, another fan made project has been shut down entirely because Nintendo fired a lawsuit. (the smash bros brawl texture hacks known as syntax error)

so just to be safe, please put a clear link on the home page that explains the project and has all legal information. it'd be nice to have page that gives more detail about the project and yourself.
J-Boogie said…
@An_Artist: I'm gonna suggest that was shut down for the dual reason of A:) you'd need a burned copy of Brawl to even use those textures (Whether burned yourself or *ahem* through other means) and B:) you'd need to have made your Wii able to run such burn.

I'm pretty sure just one of those reasons alone, not to mention both together, is enough to make Nintendo go 'Yeeeeah... *No*.'

Sure, you could try and question the legality of AM2R but Syntax Error was running straight into the wall of piracy.
Anonymous said…
I'm curious if the final product would/could have a level editor built into it -- the game looks incredible as of the demo, and I'd really enjoy making a mission of my own using the completed game.
Dark Master said…
Hi everybody!
We must congratulate the M64 Doctor!
Has been given the time to do this project and satisfied with their progress.
Doctor my support and I hope that soon we will all have their entire project on our PC!
It is good to have people like you. Congratulations:)
hellyeahblog said…
your project is amazing! I hope you will finish it this year! Best wishes
Anonymous said…
weeell, just to be safe, maby the legal stuff should be shown. And, if Nintendo does decide to shut it down, you could give it to them or request special permision to finish the game. Its better to buy it then not having it at all...
shimizu2005 said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
shimizu2005 said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
shimizu2005 said…
I had an idea for the spider ball, what if you could toggle it on and off by holding and releasing the diagonal aim button. I think it would make using the ability more functionable.

You could be using the direction pad to move side to side while activating it. Also it could allow you to jump off the side of a wall with the jump ball feature while using the spider ball.
Anonymous said…
With the hundreds or more Nintendo-based fan games being made at any given time, Nintendo actually doesn't go out of their way to shut down nonprofit fan-made projects. It's far more likely that the other project that was recently "shutdown" was due to the author getting tired of working on it and claiming he was told to shut as an excuse to not finish the game and still keep his street cred.
Dark Master said…
I want to know when will app. draft ready for us to download.
Anonymous said…
Yo Dr.! I was wondering how your going to do the alpha to gamma and zeta to omega metroid evoloutions. In the original, they kid of just grow with no cocoon, but in metroid fusion, each evoloution had a coocoon. Are u going to go with the cocoons, or are u going to have them mutate into there next form the way nintendo had in the original?
Unknown said…
Keep up the good work! This is shaping up to be the best PC Metroid experience to date.

The gameplay works great and the artwork is spot-on!

Though I prefer having a look-up and look-down button like in Super Metroid, and perhaps a button for dash as well.

I'll be anxiously looking forward to seeing more!
HellFireBr said…
please I tried to play the game (I'm from Brazil English translated via google) but said that
an unexpected error happened, what I do?
xCYBERKIDx said…
Me again!

Look at this metroid 2 remake i found a while back, its dead, but i want to show you the way they made the background for planet sr388, its incredible, just look at the planets surface. take a look.

Dark Master said…
I do not think that serves as the doctor and have all the sprites and maps to SR388.
Besides that game is dead. You never finish complete.
Anonymous said…
Vaya parece que el inventario va tomando forma te felicito "Doc" ^^.

Siento no hablar en inglés que lo escribo bien pero prefiero escribir así ya que me llevo mas fluido hablando.

Con respecto al inventario ¿tiene pensado algún estilo personal en cuanto a los recuadros y la fuente del texto? Pienso que el hay puesto ahora mismo es un poco simple

Respect to inventory, Have you think about a personal style in the font`s box and interiors of the boxes? I think is simple the present inventory
Anonymous said…
hm, ustedes enseriamente tienen que practicar el ingles un poco mas lol. no sabia que el doctor habalaba espaniol, pero como el, yo tambien prefiero ingles.

Now then, how about a new update, what'r you gona work on throughout January? i'm still excited for those artists aruditions.
xCYBERKIDx said…
@"Dark Master"

Well it was just an idea of how he could've made his background for SR388, the moon, stars, ect.
DoctorM64 said…
>So which metroid style are your going to use?

The Alpha Metroid sprite seen in the latest trailer describes the overall style of the later Metroids.

>Maybe you should put some status numbers in red if it's low.

Good idea. I guess how much is considered low will depend on the ammount of Energy Tanks collected.

>are you going to add any of the super metroid add ons like the grapple beam or the x-ray visor?

No. Grapple beam is too complicated to make properly. Besides, keeping the grapple momentum will feel strange with Zero Mission physics, IMHO. I´m not sure about X-Ray, it takes away the rewarding feeling of finding a well hidden item. The game won´t be as massive as Super Metroid, so exploring the relatively small map won´t be a chore.

>I agree with SSSword Master regarding the use of the zero mission version of this ship.

Among other things, an original ship sprite is planned.

>I have always felt that Metroid II was a spiritual successor to the Alien movies in the foreboding techno-organic environment department.

Gunpei Yokoi was inspired by the Alien movies, we all know where the "Ridley" name comes from. I wonder how the Metroids would look like if they were designed by H.R. Giger.

>I remembered how the above surface atmosphere shown in II was so extremely thin.

Don´t worry, I´ll be redoing the surface of SR388 to match the desertic look described in the original Boxart and in the manual. The sky and background will be redone too.

>Are you ever going to contact Nintendo about the project when it's finished?

I don´t know. If they were interested in a Metroid 2 remake, they could assemble a development team and do it in 4 months.

>I searched through the some of the blog and i can't exacly find all the legal information regarding nintendo.

You´re right, I should add a disclaimer just in case.
I´ll see if I can add a footer or something to the blog.

>I'm curious if the final product would/could have a level editor built into it.

It would require to change the way the levels are stored, and I should redo all the maps with this new format. No, thanks.

>I had an idea for the spider ball, what if you could toggle it on and off by holding and releasing the diagonal aim button. I think it would make using the ability more functionable.

Many people suggested this, I´ll try it out.

>I was wondering how your going to do the alpha to gamma and zeta to omega metroid evoloutions.

I was thinking of the original morph way, if we manage to make it look good. I´ll talk to HyruleSwordsMan about it, but if it´s too complicated I guess you´ll find the Metroids already evolved.

>Though I prefer having a look-up and look-down button like in Super Metroid, and perhaps a button for dash as well.

I´ll add the separate aim buttons, but not the dash one.

>Look at this metroid 2 remake i found a while back, i want to show you the way they made the background for planet sr388

Too bad the project is dead, I´d love to play that.
The new surface will look something like that, I don´t know if it´ll look that good.

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