About the subscreen

These days instead of progressing on level development, I worked on the menus and the subscreen. It´s really time-consuming to make a decent looking menu, and I´m still trying to put together a good subscreen layout.

So far, the main menu is done. I just have to add the classic small Samus cursor, and change the background for an original picture (that one is from the Metroid Prime comic).
On the other hand, the subscreen is barely functional. I´ve done the menu, but I´m still not convinced about the items layout. This is the latest mockup of it:

Just to avoid complains about how much that screen sucks. This is just to determine where each part of the screen will be placed.
Anyway, the layout is inspired by Super Metroid (item grouping), Metroid Fusion (stats at the top of the subscreen), and there´s a brief description of every item on the bottom, like in Zero Mission.
The map screen will share the format (letterbox with blurred game screen on the background), to make the transition between both screens seamless.

For all the people asking: Yes, you´ll be able to toggle all the abilities and items you have via subscreen. By now I´ve scraped the idea of toggling beams in real time, there are no situations that need it, and you can do the same in the subscreen.

Well, once I have the proper artwork and layout, I´ll show you the progress. In the meantime, you can post your thoughts and suggestions about it, I´m all ears.


Anonymous said…
Looks good to me! I can't wait for the game.
Afro-Shroom said…
Menus look sweet!
I can wait for the game though.
remember haste makes waste!
Anonymous said…
All well done, i'm glad you're mostly sticking to the original concepts rather than being too risky.

and please, for item pick up messages, i hope you're using the white font you have there instead of the blue gradient font like shown in the demos.
Dark Master said…
Congratulations! The menu is very good. I hope that the game is also what xD.
Well you will not be problem to make this game. I CAN NOT WAIT TO GET THE GAME. Good Bye!
ronny14 said…
Hey Doc!
I like that menu, it looks official.
I want to post some questions here of mine you never answered.

-May I suggest in the beginning you are chased by some sort of metroid that your not ready for?

-Also, I noticed that in Zero Mission the long and short beam have 2 different sprites. Since you have the short beam sprite implanted there, why not change it to the long beams's sprite?

-I must ask why is it in the first trailer you start out with some power bombs but you have to get the bombs later.
What I am saying is, why do you get a weaker version of a weapon last?
TJF588 said…
If I may request, please use apostrophe-"s" at the end of every singular possessive noun (in this case, "Samus'[s]"); the games, at the least post-Super, use this convention.

*goes back to awaiting moar RSS goodiness*
Anonymous said…
Okay, I just -now- learned about this project. And as an absolute 110% fanatically devoted Metroid fan, I can say this:

You good sir, are a GOD among men.

I will grab this game the instant it comes out in full.
xCYBERKIDx said…
No complaints here, like the other dude said this looks very professional..but may you change the font on those pick up messeges to the zero mission one.
Anonymous said…
I have a few questions.

-Is the current amount of energy you have also going to be shown on the subscreen, like in Metroid Fusion? As in the style of a purple square next to some numbers in the form of "current energy / maximum energy (eg: 128/599)?

-How is the map going to be displayed on the subscreen? I didn't see any instructions displayed on the subscreen on how to show the map (Yes, I know that the displayed subscreen is a mockup, but still...).

-What is the "Extras" option on the main menu? Is it a gallery, or a soundtrack? Could you explain what it is supposed to be?

I hope that you will be kind enough as to answer my questions.
DoctorM64 said…
>-May I suggest in the beginning you are chased by some sort of metroid that your not ready for?

The beggining of the game will be faithful to the original. Recreating the first trip to the first Metroid encounter is a delicate matter, it´s a very special moment in the game, and I want that intact, for nostalgia mostly.

>-Since you have the short beam sprite implanted there, why not change it to the long beams's sprite?

I was planning to make an original beam sprite, that looks like the long beam, but retains the yellow color. I might try it on red...

>-I must ask why is it in the first trailer you start out with some power bombs but you have to get the bombs later.

The trailer showed powerups that are supposed to be in later areas, that, at the time, were not done. I showed Super Missiles and PowerBombs, but you don´t start the game with those. Can you imagine the first Metroid fight?

>If I may request, please use apostrophe-"s" at the end of every singular possessive noun

Sure. About the ingame text, I´ll have it supervised by native english speakers, like I did with the intro text in the demo.

>for item pick up messages, i hope you're using the white font you have there instead of the blue gradient font like shown in the demos.


>-Is the current amount of energy you have also going to be shown on the subscreen, like in Metroid Fusion?

Yes. actually, the first one would show energy (it´s a repeated missile icon). I just pasted that to have an idea of it´s placement with the maximum value.

>-How is the map going to be displayed on the subscreen? I didn't see any instructions displayed on the subscreen on how to show the map

There will be instructions, don´t worry.

>-What is the "Extras" option on the main menu? Is it a gallery, or a soundtrack? Could you explain what it is supposed to be?

Right now it´s planned to be a concept art / endings gallery. I could throw in a music test feature if you want.

Thanks for the comments!
I´ll show you the progress on the christmas post.
Anonymous said…
I complain about how much that screen sucks! *shot*

Anyway, I've got a couple questions. The first is one of my comments from the last blog post, rephrased to make it look/sound better:

'How about in that one area with an Alpha and an Omega metroid, you fight both at once instead of one at a time?'

The next is that I noticed on the menu, it says "Normal - Challenge Mode." What does the "Challenge Mode" part mean?

Finally, you remember how there was one of each beam in area 4, right? Well, if you put only one beam weapon in there, what will you do with the remaining three rooms?
Anonymous said…
Sound Test all the way.....add that in the extras menu.
Anonymous said…
I have an idea! Since Zero Mission had a classic NES Metroid in their extras, how about adding Metroid 2 (with the choice of Game Boy and Super Game Boy (4 colors) styles)? If it's too difficult or time-consuming to pull off, never mind.

Also, are you planning on adding an extra area or two? Zero Mission added Crateria and Chozodia.
Anonymous said…
Here's an idea... In the menues "Extras" selection, you could include fan based art of the Metroid universe (Samus, Metroids, other creatures, planets, etc).

You could open up an art submission topic where the fans can vote for their favorite/highest quality art and have the winners art submitted into the game and made unlockable when completing specific tasks: finishing game, item %, time, etc.

I think that would be really interesting and nice to see what the community can offer in terms of artistic content. Perhaps you can use some of the art for the main menu theme, introduction, or cutscenes(??!?).

Just a thought. Keep up the good work!
Dark Master said…
Hey Doc!
I need to know when they will have app. loading the game ended to his blog to be able to download it. If you are kind enough to tell me PLIS.
Dark Master said…
I have an idea for his work ... You could add the game a "room to download maps of each levels" as well as Metroid Zero mission, to not be as confusing as in Metroid 2 Return of the xD Samus.
Well it is just an idea. You the designer.
That's it, is a master at creating games and I congratulate him, his game is becoming very well, so follow!
Dark Master said…
He put some links if you are used to his game:
Costum Metroid Larva:
Sprites, Libs, and Tilesets:

On this page I find more things: http://metroidr.brpxqzme.net/index.php?act=resdb&param=01&c=1&o=d, d & filter = & st = 0.

Say if you need something and try to do everything possible in order to achieve this.
Anonymous said…
about the picture in the main menu, i dont see why it needs to be cganged it looks awesome as it is
Anonymous said…
about that three now empty rooms:
how bout putting a map station in one, a save station in another and maybe an upgrade in the third one?
im curious about map stations anyway, will we get those, or just exploration?

also, how bout a nod to the prime games. maybe adding a few dead federational troops somewhere, or a federational outpost, a federation ship or something. just to see that the federation was here.
so were the pirates. and the chozo years before that.

after reading the official metorid manga (16 chapters) i came to the conclusion that the chozo released the metroids on sr388 shortly before the space pirates exterminated them all. for they were created on zebes. so the chozo ruins on sr388 are not that mush ruinous at all. they are just a few years old. the chozo did not live there until the space pirates attacked zebes.
thats why sr388 metroids evolve, while all the others dont. the chozo needed to teach them.

mfg spike
Anonymous said…
about that three now empty rooms:
how bout putting a map station in one, a save station in another and maybe an upgrade in the third one?
im curious about map stations anyway, will we get those, or just exploration?

also, how bout a nod to the prime games. maybe adding a few dead federational troops somewhere, or a federational outpost, a federation ship or something. just to see that the federation was here.
so were the pirates. and the chozo years before that.

after reading the official metorid manga (16 chapters) i came to the conclusion that the chozo released the metroids on sr388 shortly before the space pirates exterminated them all. for they were created on zebes. so the chozo ruins on sr388 are not that mush ruinous at all. they are just a few years old. the chozo did not live there until the space pirates attacked zebes.
thats why sr388 metroids evolve, while all the others dont. the chozo needed to teach them.

mfg spike
Anonymous said…
That metroid looked kind of mean, could you weaken it a little? I saw in your trailer, that it was hard for even you. I'm a fan, and I support this project.
Dark Master said…
hi ...
I think you add in the menu there is a failure.
In the upper left leaves a symbol of missile should fix it, and to change the symbol of Energy Tank.
I have doubts about the menu.
---> Actually the game is so long that can last more than 04:00 hours?
---> When you win the varia suit, you should not change the costume of Samus on the menu?
---> In the menu entry ... As you can be 99% if missing two Energy Tanks?
Well are tips for making the fix and you draft this better.
Anonymous said…
TBH, Doc, all you really need to do is pretty it up a bit. That looks like a pretty solid and functional layout.
Anonymous said…
Woah, i just thought of an amazing idea!

How about an appearance of X PARASITES in a place where no metroid can go? If one gets you, it slowly sucks up your energy and you have to find a metroid and let it latch on to you which causes the X to be eaten?

I know thats hard and not true to the original but its just an idea. I'm just saying that this game would be 100% perfect if you took the time to add something completely new that was not in any previous metroid game, or atleast the original.

Someone mentioned before... a NEW AREA. Now that's a BIG idea... Doesnt have to be "new" either, just an expansion of an old one, like the planet surface. Again, i just wana see something new so badly, even if it pushes the release date a whole year back.
Anonymous said…
Wow it's been a while since I checked up on the progress of this project, and to tell you the truth this is looking very professional.
If the fokes at Nintendo ever wont to make an official remake of this game. They should hire you and other fan game greats.
Sike and Karrde actrully have some grate ideas that wont be too riskey to use. Such as the one were their are fallen federation troops.

May I suggest in the very beginning of the game when the ship lands. Instead of heading streaght for the cave to the right Samus fallows the destess calls of the federation team which are being transmitted from a small valley above the cave. Heres one way you can reach this area. You can shoot a small hole in the ground and use the geiser as a lift. What do you think
Anonymous said…
I think you should just make this one exactly like the original, no ferderation troops, map stations ect, but that would be cool, if in the extras if you could add the original metroid 2 game.Take a look at this menu i found on youtube, make this one like it, looks soo cool.

Anonymous said…
sorry i forgot to post this one

kenji imatake said…
hmm... I just thought of something... in the original metroid 2, it was night time, not day time... so, you are starting it in day, why not end it at night? I can attempt to make the original background into night if you like, I am pretty good at editing backgrounds... I'll post it when I am done. or should I e-mail it? (that is, if you would like me to make it.)
Anonymous said…
Ya know, we could start the game at night and after the Queen Metroid is defeated, there will be a sunrise.
Anonymous said…

I guess you would like that too :)
I dont want to offend someone ;)

Anyway Turrican Series are great too.
Anonymous said…
so. um jeez... it looks great. can't wait. you have my implicit trust. where the hell is dark master from? clearly english is not his mother tongue. Like a bad polish translation.
Cybermouse said…
"Just to avoid complains about how much that screen sucks."

Um, are you kidding me? Holy cow dude, this is already so much better than anything I could have done. You're insane at game development. I really don't care what you come up with, all I know is it's gonna be amazing and I can't wait to play it. The simulation demo was the best Metroid fan game I've ever played, and I've played quite a lot of them. Great job so far!
Anonymous said…
About the tower with all the beams, the bottom room should have the Plazma Beam, the one above that has a save station, one above that has the Gravity Suit, but you can only go up to the top half through a secret entrance guarded by a metroid. And, the suit leaves you with a dead end, with a bunch of crumble blocks leading you to the save station. The top room has the map.
Anonymous said…

maybe you can also place that weird thing that shows how many metroids are still alive in the menu?
Are you going to be able to play this game with emulators?
SAC/Black_Yoshi said…
The screens are pretty nice. I also assume your music can be great enough to fit the opening screen (I would doubt you would make an opening movie, though). Maybe like how Portal was done, could you consider developer's commentary?
Anonymous said…
Great progress. Cant wait to see more!
Anonymous said…
most likely no, for this is not a hack, and the demos never needed an emulator.
Anonymous said…
Dr. what will the ending conditions be? for the diff endings??

will they be difficulty based?


item collection?
Anonymous said…
Instead of those ticking sounds in those silent rooms, you should go for something more like this...

Anonymous said…
Guau se quedán muy bien los menús, que rapido que contestaste a mi pregunta.^^

Al menú del inventario le quedaría bien algo de colorido y que se vieran como cambia la imagen de samus al cambiar por ejemplo el varia suit, se le agregan las hombreras, las perneras y se le añaden unas botas mas protegidas.

Aunque lo del colorido le queda muy bien el que está asi parece que es de la gameboy.^^

Nice subscreen. Kinda reminds me of the one used for FSMR. I like the faded game image in the background, but may I suggest that you take the blur off? It doesn't look right.
personally i think the save game select screen looks pretty good with that BG and your sub screen menu... that looks good to! im trying to think of what else you could do to improve them but im drawing a blank :( Your 100% right in that theese parts are VERY time consuming. still looks great and as always AWESOME work! ^_^
DoctorM64 said…
>'How about in that one area with an Alpha and an Omega metroid, you fight both at once instead of one at a time?'

Omegas will be challenging on their own. It´ll be too much to fight an Alpha too.

>What does the "Challenge Mode" part mean?

It´s an extra hard difficulty setting, most hardcore Metroid players might find the game too easy.

>there was one of each beam in area 4, right? Well, if you put only one beam weapon in there, what will you do with the remaining three rooms?

I´m planning on revamping the entire tower, to make it bigger and more interesting.

>how about adding Metroid 2 If it's too difficult or time-consuming to pull off, never mind.

Actually it is. Besides, Game Maker doesn´t like paletted sprites a bit.

>are you planning on adding an extra area or two?

Yes, One new area is planned so far, to accomodate Gravity Suit and the first Power Bombs.

>You could add the game a "room to download maps of each levels" as well as Metroid Zero mission

I think Map Rooms will ruin the exploration for the first time players. Most of the Metroid encounters are not hidden, and most of the hidden areas have a visual clue about how to acess them. There´s a share of very well hidden secrets, but these are optional for the explorer kind of player.
Anyway, by just looking at the map, you can guess where the metroids are, this would take away the famous surprise factor.

>how bout a nod to the prime games. maybe adding a few dead federational troops somewhere...

There will be remains of the last rescue mission.

---> Actually the game is so long that can last more than 04:00 hours?
---> When you win the varia suit, you should not change the costume of Samus on the menu?
---> In the menu entry ... As you can be 99% if missing two Energy Tanks?

There´s no save system yet, so I can´t read those variables yet. Those numbers are placeholders.
The Samus sprite in the subscreen will change according to her suit.

>How about an appearance of X PARASITES in a place where no metroid can go? If one gets you, it slowly sucks up your energy and you have to find a metroid and let it latch on to you which causes the X to be eaten?

... No.
First, NO X IN THIS GAME. Second, a single X left Samus unconscious in a matter of seconds in Metroid 4

>so, you are starting it in day, why not end it at night? I can attempt to make the original background into night if you like

I thought about that some time ago. Anyway, that background is on the redo-from-scratch list, so it´ll be redrawn. Thanks for the offer though.


Agreed! Go play this if you haven´t already. BTW, the right url is http://www.hurrican-game.de/

>maybe you can also place that weird thing that shows how many metroids are still alive in the menu?

That´ll be on the map screen. It´ll also show the remaining metroids to clear the area (like when you paused the original game).

>could you consider developer's commentary?

Believe me, you don´t want to hear my voice. :-)

>what will the ending conditions be? for the diff endings??
will they be difficulty based?
item collection?

All of the avobe. I still can´t calculate the length of an average game, so this will be decided later.

>Nice subscreen. Kinda reminds me of the one used for FSMR. I like the faded game image in the background, but may I suggest that you take the blur off? It doesn't look right.

The blur makes the game image more into te background. I just wanted to make the interface as clear as possible. Besides, it´s part of the transition.
Anyway, we are waiting for the FSMR demo, any release date?
Anonymous said…
'Turn stuff on and off, Super Metroid style'. Sounds good, but that makes me wonder why exactly you added the Power Suit there... Will you be able to turn it off? O.O Then that would mean you could turn the Power Beam off as well...

Hint hint... ;)
DoctorM64 said…
You can have only one at a time. Instead of enabling/disabling varia or gravity, you just pick the one that you want and select it. The other two are disabled
(I´m treating the suits as independent suits of armor, instead of upgrades)
Anonymous said…
Right. Gotcha.

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