The Nintendo Community Fangame Convention was launched today!
Be sure to attend, there are many cool fangames there, and if you go to the AM2R booth, you'll be able to see an exclusive preview of the Alpha Metroids.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish the trailer in time.
Anyway, I resumed my work on the main project. Right now I'm mapping the lower part of Area 3, the vertical plant zones. I'm also adding enemies as soon as Hyrule_SwordsMan makes the sprites.

The Metroid: Confrontation records list was moved to its own post, so you can discuss strategies there. It's also easier to edit for me.


Anonymous said…
Aw heck.. I'm a record holder... I've gotta improve my time! Fast!
Afro-Shroom said…
whoa, i'm second place? SWEET!
congrats to everyone else who placed!
DoctorM64 said…
Actually, you're first in the category: 100% items - Normal difficulty.
Anonymous said…
The Metroid look great Doc.

I just wish we could see them in action.
Anonymous said…
I looked at the screenshots at the NCFC, and discovered that you reduced the metroid count to 39, just like in the original game. This is a bit of a dissapiontment for me. I was looking forward to 57 metroids.

Also, the Alpha Metroid sprite looks cool, but I think that it's a bit small. But, then again, it hatches from the metroid membrane, so I guess that you might expect it to be small...
Anonymous said…
The background in the bottom left-hand screenshot is AWESOME! Am I correct in assuming that the background is for Area 4?
Anonymous said…
the bottom left hand screen shot's background seems to be that of the outer wall, from SotN. the bg seems out of place to me since i've played Symphony a million times and now i see high-teck samus in front of it. lol

but its sall right. :)

good job again Doc, everything is looking really smooth and awesome. your doing great justice for the metroid community! :D
DoctorM64 said…
You got me there. I'll use that BG as a template for a more "technoish" BG, using the same perspective.
I wasn't able to finish the BG in time for the NCFC.

Yes, that's area 4. It's right before you get the Plasma Beam.

About the Metroid count, there are a couple of new Metroid fights planned, I'm still not sure how many.
Anonymous said…
Looks fantastic so far, overall. Please get us that video preview as soon as it's reasonably ready. I can't wait!
MrDoom said…
If only I can get the game to actually play. I can't select Start
Anonymous said…
hopefully you keep the classic tune to the metroid battles well of course remixed slightly
Anonymous said…
i used to watch the progress of metroid prime 2d even after the death of and i have downloaded their demo. While although i understand what they are attempting to do is much harder, you, doctorm64, have completely and utterly surpassed them. the game itself looks great, and if i didn't know better id say you would work for nintendo, except they would never make a "metroid zero mission 2". This game is going to be great, and is going to fill in the painful void of metroid fans waiting for the next 2d game to come out. thank you for doing this doc.

P.S. As for confrontation, i honestly don't think it is possible to do a 100% pacifist hard run, since you have to destroy the reptile birds in order to gain room to speed boost into the next room where the missile expansion is in the original drop shaft from the first demo. Just thought id point that out
Anonymous said…
to the anonymous poster above me. Its very possible to do because I did it. All you need to do is know some other pass ways or just take some damage and also basically never charge your beam until you reach kraid or ridley
Anonymous said…
this is the same anonymous to steven: could you tell me how to get the missile expansion in the room with the destroyable foam next the original drop shaft? normally i have shoot the birds in the drop shaft so i have room to shinespark into the foam room.
Anonymous said…
I dont think I even got that one because I never needed shinespark or speed booster to beat the game.
I beat the game with only spazer hi jump boots bombs 3 energy tanks and 10 missles.
Anonymous said…
if you had to give a % of how done your game is what would u say?
Anonymous said…
12/20 so 60% of the items
Anonymous said…
This is kinda off topic, but you won the Metroid section at the at the NFGC Dr. M64! Also my favorite screenshot of the real project was the one at the top right-hand corner, it's very arcuratly remade.
Keep up the good work!! =)
Anonymous said…
Hi DoctorM64!

I never seen this project before, and today I downloaded the lastest download, played about 3 minutes to test and I really liked...

The sound and music are great, just like the playability!

Very very great job! Congratts for this innitiative and for this great project!!

I´ll track for improvements or changes in this project nearly!

Anonymous said…
wow, i still don't know how to do a 100% pacifist run on hard.
DoctorM64 said…
The trickiest part of a Hard mode Pacifist run is those 3 gullugs flying on the bottom of the main shaft.
It's not impossible to run past the 3 of them unharmed, you just need some patience and some luck. Place yourself at the left edge of the screen, then start running when the second Gullug is at the top of its trajectory, and the third one is at the bottom, that way you trigger the speedbooster required for the next room.

I could only pull it off once, but I already killed other enemies on that run.

Another tip: Death can be used as a shortcut, specially after getting speed boster, it's VERY tedious to go back without killing the Hornoads. If you die, you begin with all your items from the starting point.

Hope this helps.
Anonymous said…
Aside from timing and dying you can also just rush through and then you should be able to get to kraid at roughly 40ish health and what I did was refilled by shooting the flying claws a bit then killing him off and refilling with whatever he dropped and headed straight for ridley who i almost died against from reckless bomb scattering.
Anonymous said…
is this game even still being worked on?

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