Metroid: Confrontation Records

any% - Normal - 03:09.76 by mocktroid
100% - Normal - 04:56.13 by cowphat
1item - Normal - 08:30:13 by me
any% - Hard - 08:44.04 by Lord.Roderick.I
100% - Hard - 06:57.53 by Lord.Roderick.I
1item - Hard - none yet
any% Pacifist - Normal - 03:57.58 by mocktroid
100% Pacifist - Normal - 06:09.86 by Naverin
1item Pacifist - Normal - none yet
any% Pacifist - Hard - 11:44.20 by Steven Nguyen
100% Pacifist - Hard - 24:33.84 by Jaap Rutten
1item Pacifist - Hard - 12:41.08 by SangueDuMal

If you've beaten any of these times in M:C 1.1, email me with a snap of the stats screen, or a youtube video of the run, and I'll list your name on the next update. In order to qualify for a "pacifist" run, you must not kill any normal enemies, just the bosses. So, if the stats screen shows only 2 kills, you've made it. Being killed does not disqualify the run for any category, it can even be used as a shortcut.


Anonymous said…
WTF? 11:37.89???
I send to you
Anonymous said…
Lmao dont get too mad over little things
Hey Naverin congrats on knockin me off the 100% Pacifist - Normal run, not sure when that happened... havent looked at the speed run page for awhile >_> can you do it again an post a video or if you have a video post it? id like to see how you did your run ^_^ cause i sat there trying to figure out how to make my run quicker for ages. thanks.
Unknown said…
how do you do 1 item? cause im pretty sure you NEED bombs and atleast 1 set of missles but that is 2 items????
Anonymous said…
All you need to reach the end of the demo are bombs. There are a lot of secret passages. On youtube you can find 1-item playthroughs and see the rout they take.
Anonymous said…

20+ runs and I finally have what I believe to be the fastest time possible in Demo 1. Yes, it is on easy. You get faster times that way.

Credit goes to Rypherion.
mcktd said…
So does the Doc not check this page anymore...? I sent him a new time a while ago and never heard back. :(
redxparasite said…
I am having trouble get the demo. I would really love to play but I am having issues with the links to it. Is there any other way I could get it?
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
can you show me how you put varia suit & gravity suit cause I saw it on youtube can you show me just send me at thanks.
alm17 said…
I beat it in 1:32
Anonymous said…
wat is pacifist?
Unknown said…
y is this only the first demo
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Daisuke Master said…
por cierto hay enlaces muertos en la barra de navegaciĆ³n...

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